PERIODIC CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS NOTES Basic concepts – Matter – It is anything around us which has mass and which occupy space States of matter: – Solid Liquid Gas Plasma state (Occurs at extremely high temperature – 11,000° – 14,500° Fahrenheit or 150 million degrees Celsius) Bose Einstein condensates (temperatures very close to absolute zero … Read more


FORCE – Any push or pull on an object is called force.                                               OR It is the physical quantity that changes or tends to change the state of rest or of motion. EFFECTS … Read more

Gravitation Test Answers

Gravitation Test Answers Total marks – 40                                                                  Time – 2 Hrs.   Q 1 (A) Choose the correct alternatives            (5 marks)    Gravitation Test Answers If the distance between two objects increases 5 times, the gravitational force becomes times. (a) 5 (b) 15 (c) 1/25 (d) 25 The gravitational force on the surface of the … Read more