Science quiz

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Science Quiz

1 / 21

World biodiversity day is celebrated at __________every year.

2 / 21

____________________is a rare species.

3 / 21

In modern civilization________________ has become a primary need.

4 / 21

Similarities in initial stages indicate the _________________evidence.

5 / 21

____________is a vestigial organ in human beings.

6 / 21

Protein located in bones is ______________

7 / 21

Which of the following vitamins is necessary for synthesis of NADH2?

8 / 21

_________________cells divide by mitosis.

9 / 21

The first step of karyokinesis is_____________.

10 / 21

__________________is not a part of mitosis.

11 / 21

We get ____________energy from lipids.

12 / 21

In humas there are ____________pairs of chromosomes.

13 / 21

At the time of birth, there are 2 to 4 million __________in the ovary of a female foetus.

14 / 21

Implantation of the embryo occurs in _____________.

15 / 21

The size of an atom is indicated by its _______________.

16 / 21

The 'live' and the 'neutral' wires have potential difference of __________

17 / 21

The unit of electrical power is ______________

18 / 21

The unit of electrical power is ______________

19 / 21

The elements from the zero group are called_______________.

20 / 21

The d-block elements are called as __________elements.

21 / 21

Which among the following is the largest element?

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