Heredity, Life Processes Quiz

Dear students, sharing with you Heredity, Life Processes Quiz. This quiz will help you to analyze your knowledge and preparation of these topics



Heredity, Life processes Quiz

1 / 20

Which of the following is NOT a part of mitosis?

2 / 20

How many times will a cell divide mitotically to form 128 cells?

3 / 20

Cell plate formation occurs in

4 / 20

In anaphase, the ….split and the sister chromatids are pulled apart in opposite directions with the help of spindle fibres

5 / 20

In this stage of mitosis, the daughter chromosomes appear like bunch of bananas

6 / 20

During metaphase this change occurs in the chromosomes

7 / 20

….. is the first step of karyokinesis

8 / 20

Somatic and stem cells undergo …. Type of division


9 / 20

Identify the phase of mitosis

10 / 20

The origin of limbless snakes is an example of which concept of evolution according to Lamarck

11 / 20

Which of the following books explained the concept of natural selection as the basis of evolution

12 / 20

Identify the name of first ancestral man among the following

13 / 20

Oldest fossils belonged to which era?

14 / 20

The remaps (or impressions) of dead animals or plant? that lived in the remote past are known as

15 / 20

Which of the following decides the sex of the child?

16 / 20

The process of evolution of a species whereby characteristics which help individual organisms to survive and reproduce are passed on to their offspring and those characteristics which do not help are not passed on is called

17 / 20

The human species has genetic roots in

18 / 20

The number of pairs of sex chromosomes in the zygote of a human being is

19 / 20

The theory of evolution of species by natural selection was given by

20 / 20

Process of selecting individuals with desired characters by man is called


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